Category Archives: News

Videos Uploaded 7/15/12

I finally got around to transferring some analog videos to digital recently, so I went ahead and uploaded much of the rocketry-related content to YouTube, including several Saturn I test flights (2003-2005) and the related PVC Spider R&D tests.  I even added video from the Dyna-Soar/Titan I flight (2005) and the Black Brant XII (2005). … Continue reading Videos Uploaded 7/15/12

Web Updates 7/3/12

I am still making minor adjustments to the Meatball Rocketry web content to bring things up to speed.  Some interesting items: I just added a PDF version of the 2005 R&D report on the PVC Spider, to replace the HTML version that was previously available.  (link) I finally got around to publishing a brief Scale … Continue reading Web Updates 7/3/12

Web Updates

We’re making some progress in uploading some 3D-printable designs to our Shapeways shop.  Part of getting things ready is making linked image maps that show the different variations or scales of the various products.  This should help customers navigate the options easier than by browsing directly at Shapeways.  Example (without links) below showing different upscales … Continue reading Web Updates

Web Updates

The past few months we have been making big changes to the Meatball Rocketry site in hopes of offering some useful products for sale, as well as making future content updates easier.  I hope you like our new look!  Please be patient as we get things in order. — Josh T.